Monthly Archives: February 2014

Electrical Has Commenced

We started working on the electrical a few weeks ago. We’re working with Fred, a semi-retired electrician who’s a long time family acquaintance. It’s been slow going because we have had extremely cold weather lately and haven’t been able to keep the tiny house in comfortable working conditions. We did borrow a big propane heater from our friend Eric and were able to keep the tiny house toasty warm over the weekend. In the couple of times we’ve gotten together we’ve made some decent progress and we’re hoping to wrap up by the end of next weekend. While Pete and I are assisting and have a general idea behind the concept of the electrical, we don’t begin to really understand the why’s and how’s. We leave all the expertise up to Fred and do as we’re instructed. With that being said, I won’t go into the details of our electrical plan because I couldn’t if I wanted to. Instead enjoy some pictures of our interior for a change.






Categories: Electrical | 4 Comments

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