Finally…A Ladder!

We probably could have had a ladder a while ago had we not decided on a crazy expensive one.  Instead, we decided we wanted a rolling library ladder that easily rolled out of the way when not in use.  There are only a few companies that make the hardware for rolling ladders and they all charge quite a bit for it.

We were able to save some money by building the actual ladder ourselves.  One of our big box building stores sells furniture quality wood and we were able to pick up some nice maple boards.  After cutting and routing all the boards we put on two coats of pure tongue oil  and assembled the ladder.

When not in use, the ladder stores in between the armoire and fridge and when we need to get into the storage loft, we just pick it up and put it on the opposite rolling track.  We’re super happy with how it all came out and it’s so nice to finally be rid of the big, heavy, construction ladder that was always in the way.

Categories: Tiny House Furniture | 8 Comments

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8 thoughts on “Finally…A Ladder!

  1. Bill Largent

    Very nice

    Sent from my iPhone


  2. maureen gilbert

    Hi! just found your blog and have been enjoying catching up. I like the idea of a portable ladder– where did you find the hardware for it? how easy is it move really?

    • Hi Maureen, we bought the ladder hardware from a company out of Wisconsin call CS Hardware. I did find another company who had hardware cheaper but CSH has a patented break wheel that we thought was important. I need to call them though and see if the break wheel is adjustable because it still rolls sometimes when you stand on the ladder. The ladder rolls super easy on the track and is easy to pick up and put on the other track.

  3. John

    Wow! I just found out about your Tiny Home from Tumbleweed Tiny House Company on FB. I live in Trenary, work in Chatham and would love to see your house sometime. Congrats on living simple.

  4. Bonnie

    Hi I just found your blog . I’m from Sundell but live in Mesa Az now . I come home every summer would love to stay in touch and see your tiny house when I get there. I really enjoy the tiny house model . If you would like I’m on Facebook Bonnie Koivuniemi ok. Thanks

  5. What a great solution you came up with. It only goes to prove where there is a will, there is a way. Why did you decide to go with tung oil instead of a varathane?

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